Cassava Gnocchi recipe
At Specialfood we want to teach you how to prepare a different gnocchi, with a Brazilian taste! This simple cassava gnocchi recipe is perfect for any occasion as it is easy to prepare and can be served simply with a sauce of your choice. Check out the preparation of the cassava gnocchi below and try it out! Ingredients for making cassava gnocchi: 1 kilogram of cassava 2 cups of wheat flour (280 grams) 2 tablespoons of butter 2 egg units salt How to make cassava gnocchi: The first step of the cassava gnocchi is to peel the cassava, cut it into pieces and place it cooking covered with water, in a pan over medium heat. Remove the cassava when it is very soft, and let it warm. Mix eggs, butter and a little salt in it, and mix well, reducing to puree. Transfer the cassava gnocchi mixture to a floured surface and gradually add the flour while mixing. It may not be necessary to use all the flour or use more, the right point is when you get a smooth dough that come...